Harvey Feldman, Bassoon

Harvey Feldman has been playing with the Hudson Valley Symphony Orchestra (formerly Hudson Valley Philharmonic) for over 30 years. His career started at age 24 with the New Jersey Symphony, followed by eight years with the Mexico City Philharmonic. Afterwards, Feldman was contracted to play "Show Boat" in a one year tour of Europe. He performed one year with the Quintet of the Americas, under Columbia Artists, and toured five years with the Broadway Show "Miss Saigon."

Harvey received his Bachelor of Music Degree at Indiana University, Bloomington, and Master of Music Degree from Manhattan School of Music with continued studies at The Juilliard School. He has attended the International Music Camp at lnterlochen and Aspen Music Festival. Presently Harvey volunteers performing classical piano recitals at nursing homes and senior centers. His piano teachers include Stephen Ryan, Artem Belogurov and Guy Maori. Also a competitive swimmer, he is recently being coached by olympic instructor Tom Schmetz.